Weekly chess retrospective for February 7
Weekly update of my progress in chess learning
Weekly update of my progress in chess learning
Highlighting one game from this week
Using servers in the cloud to make my very own chess supercomputer
Weekly update of my progress in chess learning
How I plan to study chess in February
Highlighting one game from this week
Looking back at my very first chess.com games
Weekly update of my progress in chess learning
Weekly update of my progress in chess learning
Introduction I recently saw this tweet: Measuring performance by CPL instead of rating or result is a revelation! I’ve lost games to strong players where I have played well (low CPL), and beaten weaker players and played badly (high CPL). Should help see through the result / rating change to your true performance. pic.twitter.com/OwK146NI9k — Pascoe Rapacci (@prapacci) January 13, 2022 I’ve been trying to figure out a way to measure progress....