I updated my May study plan a couple weeks ago, so this one is not much different from that. The focus is still on tactics and game analysis.


  • I am trying to only play rapid games with the goal of analyzing every game this month. This probably means playing fewer games, but I think the benefits of the analysis will outweigh the worry of not playing as much.


I am going to focus on a small number of ChessMood courses going forward. I want to really concentrate on one thing at a time, and for me that is tactics:

  1. Tactics: Tactics Ninja - This is going to be my main focus going forward. I am going to try to study 30 minutes per day on this course. At that rate I should be close to finishing the course this month. After that would be the Mating Matador checkmate patterns videos.
  2. Master Games: 100 Classical Masterpieces - Try for 2 per week


In May I increased the amount of time I spent solving tactics and I think it helped. I am going to try to keep that up. I have been spending about 25-30 minutes a day on Chessable tactics, and about the same on Chess.com puzzles.

  1. Learn Chess the Right Way - Book 1: Must Know Checkmates - review any open puzzles every day
  2. Learn Chess the Right Way - Book 2: Winning Material - review any open puzzles every day as I finished this course last month.
  3. Learn Chess the Right Way - Book 3: Mastering Defensive Technique - I started this course and I am about 25% done with it. Continue to add new puzzles each day.
  4. Chess.com puzzles - I am going to continue grinding puzzle rush and rated puzzles. I want to do at least 5 attempts at puzzle rush (between 3 and 5 minute) every day. I also want to do at least 10 rated puzzles each day.