What went well?

  • Yesterday was quite the day for rapid games. Despite being sick (or because I was sick), I kept winning. I started the day at 1307, and ended at 1378. I won 9 in a row. This is new high rating for me.
  • Lots of tactics! I really focused on tactics the past week. Previously I was spending about 10-15 minutes a day on doing tactics on Chessable. This week I averaged about an hour a day. About half of that was on Chessable (see below) and half was on Chess.com doing rated puzzles and puzzle rush. I got new high scores in 3-minute (19 to 21) and 5-minute (19 to 23) puzzle rush.
  • For ChessMood, I only watched the Tactics Ninja videos this week instead of splitting my time between 4-5 courses.
  • I finished the simplified opening courses from ChessMood. I have private Chessable courses I have been studying every day.

Here are the tactics books I’m studying on Chessable:

What could have gone better?

  • With this extra push on studying, I found that I got burned out a bit half-way through the week and had a hard time concentrating on games. I realized I need to be OK with not playing as many games and take breaks before I get fully burned out.

What will I try next?

  • Keep working on tactics, it seems to be working!
  • Don’t worry about losing rating points! I had a great day and a gained a lot of points, but I’m in this for the long haul and there will be ups and downs.