What went well?

  • I keep working through “Chess: The Art of Logical Thinking.” I should finish that up this week and then I’ll move on to another game collection.
  • Having a list of daily tasks has been helpful, especially when I’m not sure what I should do that is chess related. It reminds me of my goals.

What could have gone better?

  • I didn’t do great in games this week. I feel like I should be winning more games than I do. I just need to do my best to not get distracted during games and to really focus on taking my time and evaluating the position.
  • I still feel like I need to be working harder. Or at least thinking harder when I am working at chess. I need to push myself.
  • I had a “cheat day” where I just played a bunch of faster games, losing 4 and drawing 1. It was a good break, but maybe I need a separate account for stuff like that.

What will I try next?

  • I still am struggling with not looking for my opponent’s plans. I wonder if I just played a ton of blitz games if that would help me build up that skill.

Time Tracking

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'fontFamily': 'sans-serif;'}}}%% pie showData title Study Time "Tactics" : 238 "Games" : 348 "Openings" : 89 "Annotated" : 129 "Endgames" : 69