See all of my Year of Study posts
Week 10-12 Plan
My plan for these weeks was to work on basic endgames. I did this by re-reading Silman’s Complete Endgame Course. I actually worked on studying it on Chessable so I could use spaced repetition to learn the concepts. I have read the physical book. I got through Part 4: Endgames for Class C (1400-1599).
The Chessable format is OK, but not perfect. However, it is better for me than most other approaches.
My Chess Improvement Score
Read about Noël Studer’s scoring system here
My scores these weeks were around 1.4
I really could have done much better with my focus.
These weeks were tough for me to stay focused on chess improvement. I did the minimum amount because I was working on other hobbies and work was pretty busy. A big part of that was that I did not have a good plan to stick to, so it was hard to figure out what I was supposed to do each week.
Next Week
Next week I’ll be starting some positional work, starting with refreshing my memory on pawn weaknesses.