See all of my Year of Study posts

Week 13 Plan

I’m starting to look at some basic positional things, and this week I started with weak pawns. I mostly did some lessons about isolated, doubled, or backwards pawns. These lessons were OK, but a little less practical than I was hoping for. Each lesson looked at a game and talked about the weakness.

I still spent much of my time on Tactics. I’m still working through Chess Tactics for Champions by Susan Polgar. I spent about 30 minutes a day, going through about 1 chapter a day.

I also spend a few minutes each day working on Silman’s Endgame Course on Chessable and reviewing my openings on Chessbook. See Chessbook - A Game-Changer for Adult Chess Improvers.

My Chess Improvement Score

Read about Noël Studer’s scoring system here

My score this week was: 4.8

What * How * Time = 0.9 * 0.8 * 7.1 = 4.8


This week was much better than previous weeks in that I had a plan and I stuck to it. I like having a checklist of things to do each day and when I don’t have a plan I end up not doing much.

Next Week

I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks on more basic positional concepts. I don’t want to get too deep on this, because I don’t think it is what is helping me win or lose games. But I do want to think about and review some of the basic concepts.