See all of my Year of Study posts
Week 3 Plan
This week I was focused on tactics again, like in Year of Study Week 1 - Basic Principles. Specifically:
Trapped Pieces
For each one I did a lesson followed by 20 Lichess puzzles on that theme. The lessons were from the Every Chess Tactic Explained series by WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni.
I also still am working through Tactics Time 2 on Chessable. I’ve gone through 780 out of 1000 puzzles so far. I started this long before my Year of Study plan, but I think these are important to do every day. Each day I review any that are up for review, and if I have time I add 20 more puzzles at a time.
I am also keeping up on any reviews needed from the first two parts of Silman’s Endgame Course on Chessable. These are pretty easy and I will keep adding chapters in future weeks.
I continued to play and analyze rapid games. This week I played 3 rapid games.
I spent about 30 minutes per day this week, which was done from 40-50 minutes the previous 2 weeks. However, it was Thanksgiving so I purposely planned to do less on Thursday and Friday while I was spending time with family.
I could really see a difference this week with tactics and playing when I was focused vs. “less focused.” Having the holiday and breaking my routine had an effect. But that is part of the reason I focused on something like tactics this week… because I figured I did not need 100% focus all week.
Next Week
Next week I’m going to focus on improving my “analyze your game” skills because even though I’ve been trying to do this, I still feel like I’m not learning very much.